Post Tagged with: "Finance"

Fairlife Mark Launch Reception

On Tuesday 15th November, I was delighted to welcome into Parliament representatives and supporters of the FairLife charity for the launch of the FairLife Mark. The FairLife Mark is a fair trading mark for financial products, services, commitments, education and guidance. A number of FairLife Ambassadors attended, ranging from senior […]

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Picture of the Bank of England

Margaret Thatcher nationalised regulation of the City

For City AM, Prof Philip Booth writes, Thatcher changed the City forever but Big Bang isn’t the whole story: Let’s be absolutely clear: in general, the 1980s was not a period of financial deregulation. Insider trading was made illegal in 1980. The life insurance industry, which had been almost free […]

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New directory for small business finance

A new source of help for small and medium enterprises across the country was introduced yesterday when Treasury Minister Lord Sassoon launched a comprehensive on-line directory of finance companies providing alternatives to conventional bank loans or overdrafts. Businesses may need finance for a variety of reasons, including short-term cash flow or working […]

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Accessible and insightful fiscal analysis with Ray Stevens

American musician Ray Stevens has produced this superb analysis of the Obama Budget Plan: I’m sure Ray has much to teach politicians and the public in the UK and Europe too, particularly about ethics and decency in the public finances. For more on that subject, see Jörg Guido Hülsmann’s brilliant book […]

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Inflation Must End in a Slump – Mises Institute

It was briefly fashionable to admit that interest rates were too low for too long, leading to a boom built on expansionist monetary policy. Unfortunately (related link my own): Economic theory has demonstrated in an irrefutable way that a prosperity created by an expansionist monetary and credit policy is illusory […]

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Financial regulation and the deception of government intervention » The Cobden Centre

I have written today on financial regulation for The Cobden Centre: In the aftermath of the financial crisis, we are now going down a road towards ‘judgement-based’ regulation of financial firms in an attempt to salvage capitalism. It is proposed that firms will be supervised by what amount to shadow management […]

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