Post Tagged with: "Ideas"

Labour’s spending chaos

Via Share The Facts: Labour’s spending plans are in chaos – with Ed Miliband and Ed Balls spending the money from their proposed homes tax over and over again. Last week Balls said the tax will fund the NHS and nothing else: ‘All the money we raised from the mansion […]

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Book review – The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism

I frequently enjoy Hayek’s writing less than anticipated. The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism was no exception. The book is mercifully brief and its substance is insightful and yet it was a dull read. It begins by explaining that tradition arises between instinct and reason. Hayek destroys the case for […]

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3 million more apprenticeships over the next Parliament

Via Share The Facts, In just four years we’ve already doubled the number of apprenticeships, delivering more than 1.8 million. In the next Parliament we will go even further by creating 3 million more and ending youth unemployment – so all young people get a good start in life.

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