Post Tagged with: "Ideas"

We must have a real EU exit, not a fake one

This weekend, we relaunch the expanded European Research Group (ERG) of Conservative MPs, which I chair. I am proud that ERG Vice Chair Suella Fernandes MP has taken the lead. For the Telegraph,  Suella writes ‘Britain must untie itself from EU shackles by using Brexit to leave the customs union’. […]

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Fairlife Mark Launch Reception

On Tuesday 15th November, I was delighted to welcome into Parliament representatives and supporters of the FairLife charity for the launch of the FairLife Mark. The FairLife Mark is a fair trading mark for financial products, services, commitments, education and guidance. A number of FairLife Ambassadors attended, ranging from senior […]

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The EU: what next? Presentation to MHA Maclntyre Hudson

On 21 October, MHA Maclntyre Hudson High Wycombe kindly invited me to present ideas on our exit from the EU to a large group of their clients, many of them our local businesses. My slides were as follows: Some of the documents on which I drew may be found here: Business for Britain: […]

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Now and always, zero tolerance for hatred

In the past ten days, several constituents have reported being increasingly subject to hateful abuse over their race or nationality in London, Oxford and Wycombe. Recently, I attended a conference where UK Christians described acts of persecution they had suffered after converting here at home. Hateful abuse like racism and […]

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Junior doctors’ strikes reveal the fragility of patient-doctor relationships

Today and tomorrow, junior doctors in our NHS are on strike. This action neglects taxpayers who expect world-class treatment around the clock, every day. Unlike previous occasions, this strike includes emergency services in hospitals across the UK. It is the BMA’s right to call this action, as a trade union representing those who work […]

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The enduring curse of easy answers

Political radicals are in the news, especially in Greece and now Spain. In the midst of tragic suffering, people are being seduced by the curse of easy answers. State socialism has always aimed at a spectacular improvement in the average person’s standard of living. It is a noble intention which […]

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