Post Tagged with: "interventionism"

Gordon Kerr predicts the failure of the Greek bailout

My Cobden Centre and Cobden Partners colleague Gordon Kerr appeared this morning on Bloomberg to explain why the Greek bailout will fail: As I have said in debate, in the context of using the IMF to facilitate bailouts: …If this is not the time of all times to question the […]

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The Government’s business strategy

The Government recently announced a number of policies to help British businesses. They have launched the updated and overhauled website. This is now the primary gateway for businesses, of whatever scale, seeking support and information from the Government. It’s backed by a new telephone contact centre and many thousands […]

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Financial regulation and the deception of government intervention » The Cobden Centre

I have written today on financial regulation for The Cobden Centre: In the aftermath of the financial crisis, we are now going down a road towards ‘judgement-based’ regulation of financial firms in an attempt to salvage capitalism. It is proposed that firms will be supervised by what amount to shadow management […]

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The Causes of the Economic Crisis (1931)

From an address by Ludwig von Mises in 1931, published in The Causes of the Economic Crisis and Other Essays Before and After the Great Depression (PDF) (emphasis mine): According to the circulation credit theory (monetary theory of the trade cycle), cyclical changes in business conditions stem from attempts to reduce […]

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Atlas Shrugged on the big screen

As I have reported before, there’s much in Ayn Rand’s writing that I do not like: As an articulation of what goes wrong when government and other coercive institutions intervene in the economy and in society, it is a masterpiece. As an articulation of the timeless morals which have sustained […]

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EU transport policy

Today, the Transport Committee learned that: We are stuck with the ridiculous Galileo project. If we don’t like aspects of the ‘Eurovignette’ in due course, we are stuck with it. The Government accepts the principle of central planning and wealth redistribution combined with attempts at market liberalisation, despite the failure […]

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