Post Tagged with: "Crime"

Overall crime has dropped 10% in Thames Valley

There has been significant good news in the Thames Valley Police Area of which Wycombe is a part. This record has been supported by the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, Conservative Anthony Stansfeld. Anthony has explained to MPs that: In the last year overall crime has dropped by 10% […]

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The Prime Minister’s statement on the Woolwich incident

The Prime Minister’s statement on the attack in Woolwich may be found here. He opened his statement: What happened yesterday in Woolwich has sickened us all. On our televisions last night – and in our newspapers this morning – we have all seen images that are deeply shocking. The people […]

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The appalling moral outrage of contemporary slavery

Last week, I attended a dramatic and distressing exhibition in the House of Commons highlighting the hidden nature of contemporary slavery. The exhibition, built by students from the Central St Martin’s College of Art, depicted the four different kinds of slavery hidden away in our society. Curtains, doors, drawers and […]

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Book review: The Invisible Hook – The Hidden Economics of Pirates

Peter Leeson’s study of “The Hidden Economics of Pirates”, The Invisible Hook, is theoretically correct, thoroughly grounded in historical research and fun to read. From the jacket: Pack your cutlass and blunderbuss–it’s time to go a-pirating! The Invisible Hook takes readers inside the wily world of late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century […]

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A remarkable visit to Acorn Treatment

Yesterday, I completed a remarkable visit to Acorn Treatment. I saw some serial offenders confronting their own lives and the consequences of their actions, often criminal, on others. I also heard some of the atrocious things which they had suffered at the hands of others, including their own families. I […]

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An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

A group of young music artists have released a track aimed at dissuading young people in Wycombe from joining gangs. DJ LoMotes and record producer Phoenix Keyz have collaborated with Styler, Sicx, Dimples and Treasure. Already with over 14,000 views on Youtube, ‘An Eye for an Eye’ is becoming an […]

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What is “reasonable force” in a riot?

As Londoners take to defending their own lives, property and communities, it seems the state is failing in its first duty: to defend life, liberty and property. A good number of my constituents have written — dismayed by the shameful, reckless behaviour they have seen on TV — demanding that […]

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Philip Lawrence’s widow urges reform of human rights laws after killer Learco Chindamo recalled to prison – Telegraph

David Cameron is under pressure to deliver on a promise to reform the Human Rights Act following the disclosure that the foreign-born murderer of Philip Lawrence has been arrested on suspicion of another violent attack. via Philip Lawrence’s widow urges reform of human rights laws after killer Learco Chindamo recalled […]

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Sycamore Tree | Prison Fellowship

A couple of weeks back, I visited a prison to see the Sycamore Tree Prison Fellowship in action, delivering victim awareness and restorative justice. I was able to see prisoners take clear responsibility for their actions and the hurt and harm caused to victims. It was moving to see men (in […]

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On trial by jury

Via The Last Ditch: Another step toward the abyss: I despair. The right to trial by jury has protected Englishmen from an over-mighty state since long before democracy was born. Combined with the Great Writ of habeas corpus, it meant you could not be detained without trial and that your […]

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