Post Tagged with: "Parliament"

Vaccine passports

Following today’s news about vaccine passports: In recent months, the Government has repeatedly denied it is looking at vaccine passports, despite The Telegraph reporting lots of evidence to the contrary. Now James Cleverly appears to have confirmed @elliotttimes piece that they are indeed happening. Go figure… — Harry Yorke (@HarryYorke1) […]

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EU flag missing a star

15 Brexit negotiating errors Boris must fix

The following is an extract from an article which first appeared in full in the Telegraph online on 27 July 2019 under the headline, “Why I rejected the offer of a Ministerial post in Boris Johnson’s glittering new government”: We urgently need to correct some vital structural problems in our negotiations. […]

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Conservative achievements in 2018

In 2018, Conservatives in government cut taxes, invested in our public services and continued to back working people. We have done this by: 1. Setting out how we will provide an extra £20.5 billion for the NHS by 2023-24 as part of our long- term plan for the NHS. We […]

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My position on the Prime Minister’s EU exit deal

Thank you to everyone who has written to me about the Prime Minister’s proposed Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration on the future relationship of the UK with the EU. I have received a wide range of correspondence, covering the full spectrum of opinion from remaining in the EU after all, […]

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Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Recently, my team and I attended a training session on modern slavery provided in Wycombe by Hope For Justice, a charity which aims to bring an end to modern slavery by rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society. I remain truly shocked about the scale of the problem in the […]

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