Post Tagged with: "Parliament"

Video: Please vote Conservative on June 8

General Election 2017 is the most important in our lifetimes. As the campaign has progressed, the choice facing our country has become clearer. For more on local issues, please see: And on our hospital, please see: You can find my speech on a new kind of Urgent Treatment […]

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Question to the PM – the time for Project Fear is over

Yesterday, I had the following exchange with the Prime Minister during the statement on the triggering of Article 50, which began the process of our exit from the European Union: Mr Steve Baker (Wycombe) (Con) Since the vote, the economic news has confounded expectations. Economists for Free Trade have told […]

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Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will trigger Article 50

From my daily briefing: Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will trigger Article 50: delivering on the verdict of the British people to leave the European Union. We stand on the threshold of a significant moment for Britain as we begin the negotiations that will lead us towards a new partnership with […]

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Making Kadcyla available on the NHS

On 26th January 2017, I attended a back bench business debate in Parliament about the provisional decision not to provide the breast cancer drug Kadcyla for use in the NHS. The debate called for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and pharmaceutical company Roche to re-assess the […]

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ERG: The PM’s anticipated speech on the EU

In advance of an anticipated speech by the Prime Minister on leaving the EU, European Research Group Chair Steve Baker MP and Deputy Chair Michael Tomlinson MP have issued the following statement on behalf of the ERG Officers: Following the Prime Minister’s speech to conference, we are confident the Government […]

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Written Question about First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum) Hearings

My casework team and I experience the continual frustration of constituents awaiting a hearing at a First-Tier (Immigration and Asylum) Tribunal. We know waiting for a hearing date causes considerable extra distress in what is an already stressful situation. Of course, to be fair to everyone, MPs cannot expedite particular cases on demand. So, I submitted […]

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