Post Tagged with: "Campaigns"

Attack of the vampire squid

As you can see, some of my Cobden Centre colleagues in finance are not afraid to call the banking system a “vampire squid”. And then along came this video as part of a campaign for bank reform: Happily, as a Director of The Cobden Centre, I am ahead of this […]

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Polling day

Voted early with Beth and, of course, for myself, which felt weird. I almost wanted to keep the ballot paper… Dashed off to get out the vote, then lunch with the team before trooping around the committee rooms and polling stations. We found a warm and welcoming atmosphere everywhere. Great […]

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Candidates clash at BFP election Q&A (From Bucks Free Press)

Via Candidates clash at BFP election Q&A (From Bucks Free Press): ELECTION hopefuls clashed over Immigration, Wycombe Hospital, the economy and Europe at The Bucks Free Press Wycombe hustings last night. Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and UK Independence Parties took part in the 90 minute debate which saw candidates challenged […]

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The General Election is finally called

Via David Cameron has welcomed the official announcement of the General Election date. The election is a choice between five more years of Gordon Brown’s tired government making things worse – or change with the Conservatives, who have the energy, leadership and values to get Britain moving again. Speaking […]

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Wycombe Hospital – Why I’m backing David Cameron

An elector came to see me about parking, but we soon found ourselves discussing the treatment her father had received at Wycombe Hospital. The story was truly heart-rending. I’ll be following up on that story, but for the moment, let me just say that it put me very much in […]

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BFP: Health bosses slammed for not appearing at public meeting

Last night, while I attended the Wycombe Conservative Association AGM, Paul Goodman MP attended a meeting just outside the new constituency boundaries to consider the future of Wycombe Hospital and Marlow Community Hospital. Via the Bucks Free Press, Health bosses slammed for not appearing at public meeting: HEALTH bosses were lambasted […]

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Launching our Wycombe Hospital campaign

Today, I am launching my Wycombe Hospital campaign for fair funding, local control and freedom for clinical professionals. Time and again, local people tell me of their concern about the loss of services at Wycombe Hospital. As we can see from the recent campaign on Facebook, thousands are dismayed that […]

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The Internet and the campaign

Recently, I had a good discussion about online campaigning with Graham at Mendip Media. It was an excellent cross-check for what we have been planning in Wycombe. Anyone who underestimates the significance of the web in the campaign for 2010 is missing a trick. Since 2005, the Internet has evolved into […]

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Wycombe Motorcycle Action Group

Following a number of private meetings across the Wycombe constituency yesterday, from Fingest to the town centre, I had the pleasure of meeting Wycombe Motorcycle Action Group. From MAG’s about page: The Motorcycle Action Group, (MAG), is a voluntary organisation, drawing membership from across the whole spectrum of motorcycling. Whatever […]

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