Every year in High Wycombe, they weigh me. In this video, I explain why and give my 5 top tips for those of us who are overweight to get and stay in shape.

As I say, we don’t want to be chasing implausible body images. Here’s myĀ video, Body image ā€“ it’s time to Be REAL:Ā https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CK0q6smLCY.

And everyone should eat the right calories: only eat less if you are overweight. MyFitnessPal is here (other calorie counters are available):

And finally, consider consulting your doctor. This video is common sense advice which worked for me. You must take responsibility for yourself.

Godspeed with getting into shape.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel.


  1. Rachel Piercy

    Fantastic video thank you Mr Baker…
    I found this to be assuring and has given me my focus to finish my last weight drop… it is not alway a body image issue !
    I have read that it takes 8 weeks for eating habits , exercise to change before it becomes a life style so don’t worry to much about slipping too far?
    It is hard I’m very sure to find time to get those happy hormones going with your work load … even a 30 min walk each day gets them going…
    There is a fail safe after if ever there is an after politics ” personal training” …

  2. I’m with you on the BMI being aggressive for tall people. I’m 6ft, BMI 23.1 (so higher end of normal) but I get a guaranteed place at the London marathon and normal people consider me super skinny and super fit.