Post Tagged with: "Let’s Leave"

The EU wastes your money

According to the European Court of Auditors, €7 billion of the 2013 budget was misspent. However, the EU has a very loose definition of the word ‘misspent’, Here are a few examples of projects judged to be money well spent: €500,000 paid to two fishermen to scrap their boat in […]

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Our great country will thrive in the world outside the EU

Our great country will thrive in the world beyond the EU. We have: The 5th largest economy in the world. The 4th most powerful military in the world. A permanent seat on the EU security council. The largest financial centre in the world. Some of the finest universities in the world. A globally-used language, democratic system […]

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Your money is being spent to help millions of people join the EU

We are paying almost £2 billion to encourage Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey to join the EU. When they join, over 88 million more people will have a right to live and work in the UK. The Government cannot control migration from the EU if we remain. We have a flourishing economy in this country […]

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Protect our public services

The EU makes many rules which have a massive impact on our public services. With plans for taking control of health policy in each of its member states, the EU’s influence over our NHS will only increase. As an undemocratic backroom manoeuvre, the EU Commission is creating and implementing policies which will […]

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The EU isn’t working

It is increasingly clear that the EU isn’t working for its members. Much has been claimed about the importance of the EU for creating and preserving jobs in the UK. Unemployment in the UK is currently at 5 percent, compared with the EU’s 8.9 percent and the Eurozone’s 10.3 percent. The […]

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